
The Great Resignation – How to Retain Your People

The Great resignation is a phenomenon that describes the unprecedented rise in the number of workers
resigning from their jobs both during and towards the end of the pandemic.

There has since been a large amount of research and discussion as to what is driving workers to quit at such a scale. Any attempt at understanding the ‘Great Resignation’ means taking a serious look at the common criticisms of Britain’s economy, some of these being:

  1. burnout
  2. concern for health and wellbeing
  3. an overall lack of workplace support
  4. a lack of further development
  5. unpleasant work environments etc.

Leisure and hospitality workers led the way

The mass departure is particularly evident in retail and hospitality jobs.

In early 2021, when leisure and hospitality restrictions were starting to ease, which meant those that were placed on furlough at that point were starting to come back into the workplace following a period of furlough, whom for some were for months not weeks. Many workers had got a glimpse at what life could be like not having to work unsociable hours, or put in 50 to 60 hours a week.

Hospitality, retail and other customer focused roles can be both, rewarding and stressful. The hours can be long and unsociable at the same time.

Employees within these sectors were burdened with not just their day-to-day role, but also the added
responsibility of enforcing Covid safety measures themselves which resulted in many starting to pursue
different jobs in various sectors or industries.

This resulted in a huge labor shortage within the retail and hospitality sector. As of February 2022, there were over 180,000 vacant hospitality jobs.

Remote work has changed workers views

The migration to remote working during the pandemic gave people more time to ponder a work-life balance. With flexible schedules, no commute and the ability to work from anywhere, many businesses believed this would help people stay engaged and loyal, however it has appeared to have the opposite effect.

Remote work has renewed many people’s desires to make family priority, as many of the remote workers who are quitting are currently at firms that require them to return to the office.

A recent survey carried out by Outmatch across 60 businesses found that:

• 62% of employees leaving their roles cited poor job matches as a reason for their departure
• 58% were unhappy with training and performance challenges

This data supports the feeling among remote workers that they don’t have the support or relationships to be successful.

Remote working can be extremely challenging, especially when starting a new job. Many new and existing employees come across instances which require support or collaboration amongst the team which can prove to be difficult as fellow colleagues are not in direct reach. The isolation can drive a wedge between the employee and the work experience, resulting in an employee reconsidering their position as a remote worker.

Reduce turnover by investing in people

It’s never too late to start investing in your people.
Building a culture within your business is a fundamental starting point for any business. It shows that you
invest in your people and can start off by reviewing existing Company policies and procedures, benefits etc.

Additionally, it can take into account an employee’s typical day, which may involve not just work, but their
personal life such as their health and wellbeing, family interactions, switching off after work and much more.

If additional tasks and duties are starting to pile up for your employees or they are being asked of more and more, then it is very likely that they will soon:

  • either resign
  • take additional time off
  • potentially take a period of sickness absence as a result of workplace pressures

It is always great to assess and measure job roles and the effectiveness of your policies on an annual basis to ensure that they are reasonable to avoid scenarios such as those already mentioned in the article.

However, once an employee decides to move on, it’s always best to wish them well for their next adventure. It shouldn’t be a contentious ending, but an opportunity for both businesses and HR to gain some insights into reasons for resignation and what could be done internally to minimise this.

After all, employee happiness is the core factor in both, retention and the growth of the business.

Reshape HR is here to assist. We work with a variety of clients based across the UK, so if you are looking for HR or Payroll support or simply looking to run something past us, please do get in touch with us via:

T: 0141 471 5510
E: info@reshapehr.com
W: reshapehr.com



Scotland: Covid-19 Update

As of today, Monday 18th April 2022, the requirement to wear a face covering in many indoor settings has become guidance, as opposed to a legal requirement.

What else is changing?

There are a number of changes which are coming into place over the coming weeks and months ahead:

  • For the purposes of twice weekly testing, LF tests will no longer be available for the general population
  • If you are experiencing symptoms of Covid-19, you will still need to undertake a PCR test, which is available until the end of April and follow the self-isolation guidance based on your vaccination status
  • Close contacts of positive cases who are fully vaccinated should continue to LF tests for seven days
  • From May, test sites will close and people with symptoms will no longer be advised that they need to seek a test

From 18th April 2022 free LF tests will still be available via the Scottish government:

  • Fully vaccinated and have been in close contact with someone who tested positive
  • Fully vaccinated and therefore eligible to end self-isolation early via testing negative on day 6 and day 7 and providing that you have no symptoms.

There will be a further update by the Scottish Government in the coming weeks with further changes and relaxation in regards to Covid-19 testing and isolation, we will update you accordingly.

It is important to note that the content of this article does not constitute to legal advice. If you have a specific query, then please do get in touch with us.

Reshape HR is here to assist. We work with a variety of clients based across the UK, so if you are looking for HR or Payroll support or simply looking to run something past us, please do get in touch with us via:

T: 0141 471 5510
E: info@reshapehr.com
W: reshapehr.com



Happy Easter!

From all of us at Reshape HR, we would like to wish you a Happy Easter!

We hope that its a day full of happiness, joy and most importantly 🍫🐣!



World Health Day


World Health Day is celebrated globally on the 7th of April on an annual basis.

The World Health Organisation (WHO), which was founded in 1948 created World Health Day to “mark the founding of WHO since 1950”. According to www.who.int, “it is estimated that more than 13 million deaths around the world each year are due to avoidable environmental causes”. These environmental causes include climate change, pollution and more.

This day intends to spread awareness of a specific health theme which the World Health Organisation views as a priority.

7th April 2022

For 2022, the theme is “Our Planet, Our Health” which focuses on cleaner air, water and food.

How can you play your part?

It is quite simple to do small things in our day to day lives, some of these are listed below:

  • Recycling our plastics, paper, glass and cans
  • Reusing plastic tubs, bowls and shopping bags
  • Converting food waste into compost
  • Instead of driving small distances such as to the shops, walk instead
  • Purchasing biodegradable and compostable products – which are much more friendly to our environment

These changes can help our planet gradually over time, if we lower our plastic usage and begin to instead
purchase or use biodegradable alternatives such as bee’s wax paper, biodegradable straws and more, we can collectively lower our world’s pollution by producing less plastic and our carbon footprint overall.

How can I Improve my health?

We have listed a few tips that could help you improve your health below:

  • Going for walks – according to a study by the University of Cambridge: “just a brisk 20 minute walk each day could reduce your risk of premature death by between 16-30%”.
  • Eating a balanced diet – According to the NHS “eating a more healthy, balanced diet is an important part of maintaining good health, and can help you feel your best”.
  • Drinking more water – drinking more water per day will keep you hydrated and helps to improve your skin.

How Do I Join in World Health Day?

You can join in World Health Day by:

  • Organise a conversation in your community or workplace – WHO offers free information toolkits for organisers. Take the challenge and lead a conversation in your workplace or your community about current healthcare or world issues.
  • Read up on past year’s themes – With over 50 years of health days in WHO’s archives, it can be an interesting exercise to look at how far we have come in healthcare.
  • Raise awareness about climate change – You can raise awareness through awareness posters, sharing news and articles on social media.

If I can’t join in World Health Day, is there any other way to help?

If you would like to help, then please donate to a charity focused on our world’s health, or to a charity which will help our medical professionals with tools and daily essentials. We have listed some charities below:

  • Earth Island Institute – “Earth Island Institute provides support to environmental action projects and to the next generation of environmental leaders in order to achieve solutions to the crises threatening the survival of life on Earth.” If you would like to donate to the Earth Island Institute, then please go to https://earthjustice.org.
  • World Food Programme – “The Leading Humanitarian Organisation Fighting Hunger. WFP Delivers Food Assistance, Builds Resilience & Improves Local Sustainability.” If you would like to donate to the World Food Programme, then please go to https://www.wfp.org.
  • Marine Conservation Society – The Marine Conservation Society is a UK-wide community of ocean lovers all working together towards cleaning and recovering the health of the ocean. If you would like to donate to the Marine Conservation Society, then please go to https://www.mcsuk.org.

Reshape HR is here to assist. We work with a variety of clients based across the UK, so if you are looking for HR or Payroll support or simply looking to run something past us, please do get in touch with us via:

T: 0141 471 5510
E: info@reshapehr.com
W: reshapehr.com


Ramadan Kareem

From all of us at Reshape HR, Ramadan Kareem ☪️.

May this Ramadan bring joy, health and prosperity 🤲!



Walk to Work Day


We do know with the vast ways of travelling it may be difficult for some of us to walk to work, whether it is the distance, our physical condition and sometimes other factors and priorities may affect our decision.

Most of our day-to-day activities would often require us to sit in one place, with little to no movement due to working in an office chair or at an office desk with your colleagues.

This inactive lifestyle is not healthy, as it can lead to weight gain, heart problems and more.

When is it?

On Friday the 1st of April this year, it is Walk to Work day.
Walk to Work Day is an exciting and valuable day, since walking is one of the simplest and enjoyable exercises in the world, it:

  • burns calories
  • exercises our muscles
  • refreshes our mind.

According to walkingforhealth.org.uk “Walking improves self-perception and self-esteem, mood and sleep quality and it reduces stress, anxiety and fatigue”.

Do I need to walk to work?

No, you don’t need to walk the complete distance to work, even walking to your bus stop or train station also counts. The focus of Walk to Work Day is to celebrate being more active.

Here are a few tricks which you can use to make your walk to work much more enjoyable:

  • Listen to your favourite music – walking to the beat of your favourite music will make the walk more enjoyable.
  • Slow down and look around – there are a lot of small details which we miss when we are driving to work and are in a state of tunnel-vision, like the blooming of the dandelions and beautiful flowers.
  • Fresh perspective – take this time to admire the sky and the world around us.

Additionally, there are no annoying traffic jams or construction slowing you down, so you can enjoy your
leisurely travel to work without a problem.

What benefits will I gain from walking to work?

There are multiple benefits to walking to work, some of these are:

  • Saving money – By not driving your car to work or taking public transport, you will save money by not using fuel. An additional bonus is that your carbon footprint is reduced.
  • Becoming more physically active – According to the NHS “A brisk 10-minute daily walk has lots of health benefits and counts towards your recommended 150 minutes of weekly exercise”.

How can I celebrate Walk to Work day?

Here’s a few steps which we would recommend:

  • Leave your car at home – By leaving your car at home, you are telling yourself that you will walk to and from work, you will cherish the sunlight, breathe in the fresh air and enjoy yourself. You are not just helping your body; you are also helping the environment by lowering your carbon footprint.

  • Invite your friends, neighbours and colleagues – Make a day out of the occasion by getting your friends, neighbours and colleagues involved. You will enjoy the walk more, stop by a local café or a shop to grab some snacks and a drink on the way.

  • Make a habit out of it – There is no better way to honour the day than by walking to work on a daily or a weekly basis.

    It can benefit you for years to come, and you will also save money on fuel, car maintenance, and costs related to using public transport.

How can I celebrate while working from home?

You can go on a 30-minute walk around your neighbourhood. By breathing in the fresh air and enjoying the walk, you will gain the same feeling and exercise that you would get from walking to your workplace.

If you are not able to leave your home due to certain reasons or restrictions. You could give yourself some
walking breaks throughout the day by getting up from your work desk, stretching and walking to other areas of your house.

Reshape HR is here to assist. We work with a variety of clients based across the UK, so if you are looking for HR or Payroll support or simply looking to run something past us, please do get in touch with us via:

T: 0141 471 5510
E: info@reshapehr.com
W: reshapehr.com


Employment Law Update – April 2022

As April descends upon us (we can’t believe it either)……it is important to note some of the key changes in relation to Employment Law, such as:

  • NMW/NLW rates as of 1st April 2022
  • Changes to Employment Allowance (EA)
  • Gender pay gap
  • IR35

We have made a list of the some of the key changes in the attached document.

Reshape HR is here to assist. We work with a variety of clients based across the UK, so if you are looking for HR or Payroll support or simply looking to run something past us, please do get in touch with us via:

T: 0141 471 5510
E: info@reshapehr.com
W: reshapehr.com 


Neurodiversity Celebration Week

Neurodiversity celebration week is built around challenging the stereotypes and misconceptions about neurological differences and to encourage schools, universities and businesses to recognise the many talents and positives of being neurodivergent.

Siena Castellon, who founded Neurodiversity celebration week has stated on their website: “I founded Neurodiversity Celebration Week in 2018 because I wanted to change the way learning differences are perceived.

What is Neurodiversity?

Neurodiversity (or neurodivergent for a singular person) describes individuals who experience various difference related to social ability and cognition such as:

  • Autism
  • ADHD
  • Dyslexia
  • Dyspraxia
  • Dyscalculia

Being neurodivergent can affect someone in different ways, depending on their condition, what strategies they have developed already and how their difference affects them.

According to the UK Department of Education, 15% of students in the UK have a type of learning difference, additionally it is estimated that every 1 in 7 adults are neurodiverse. These statistics show that almost any workplace, classroom or a lecture hall will have at least one person that is neurodiverse.

Why Celebrate Neurodiversity Celebration Week?

  • Bringing awareness to schools and to the public – Showing how important it is to understand that giving a neurodiverse person the right environment to them will show the amazing strengths they have, normally showing a different thought method.
  • Empowering the neurodiverse to not be discouraged – According to www.autism.org.uk: “autistic people can be more at risk of being bullied than their peers.”
  • Discovering new and different ways of learning – Enabling everyone to learn is critical and that may mean incorporating new and different ways to help neurodiverse people train for work. It can be difficult for some to understand what they are learning.

How can you get involved with Neurodiversity Celebration Week?

  • Signing up on Neurodiversity Celebration Weeks website – Signing up on the website will give access to resources related to Neurodiversity. These resources can be used for spreading awareness inside your workplace about neurodiversity.
  • Neurodiversity awareness training – This week is a great opportunity to spread awareness throughout your organisation, either virtually or in your office.
  • Advertise Neurodiversity Celebration Week – Working with your marketing team to create a leaflet or an email can be a simple and effective way to share the word.

What can I do to help?

If you would like to help by donating to a charity focused on neurodiversity, then please donate to one of the following charities:

  • ADHD Foundation – ADHD Foundation is the “UK’s leading neurodiversity charity, offering strength-based, lifespan service for the 1 in 5 of us who live with ADHD, Autism, Dyslexia, Dyspraxia, Dyscalculia and Tourette’s syndrome.” If you would like to donate to the ADHD Foundation, then please go to www.justgiving.com/adhdfoundation.
  • AchieveAbility – AchieveAbility is a user led charity committed to working with adults who are neurodivergent and dyslexic. They work with their partners to publish research-informed work and by delivering practice in the fields of employment, education, training and more. If you would like to donate to AchieveAbility, then please go to https://localgiving.org/donation/achieveability
  • Care Trade – Care Trade focuses on supporting and preparing autistic people for employment within business and organisations, this includes; educating businesses about autism, training autistic people, organising events to bring awareness about autism and neurodiversity. If you would like to donate to Care Trade, then please go to www.care-trade.org/donate/.