
Time to Talk Day

Time to Talk day was launched in 2014 and is a UK campaign to get people talking and opening up about their mental health.

It’s the day that friends, families, communities, and workplaces come together to talk, listen, change lives and end the mental health stigma.

If you need support or just need someone to speak to, please call the Samaritans on 116 123.



We are Expanding!

We are currently expanding our team

We are looking to recruit an HR Administrator and a Trainee Business Development Assistant through the kickstart scheme to join our team!

To apply for these job, you must:

• be claiming Universal Credit (eligibility criteria)
• 16 to 24 years old (eligibility criteria)

https://findajob.dwp.gov.uk/details/8028423 – HR Administrator

https://findajob.dwp.gov.uk/details/7806063 – Trainee Business Development Assistant

If you wish to find out more or have any questions in regards to the above roles, than please email ehsan@reshapehr.com



Launching of new services!

It’s finally here! 

We at Reshape HR are thrilled to announce the launch of our new service – EMT Designs

EMT Designs as in the name, will be offering multiple cost-effective services to our existing and new clients, these being:

1. Website Design & Development 
2. Digital Design – from simple things as Logos to Poster Designs
3. Social Media Marketing 

Get in touch today to find out how we can assist you and your business!

E: info@reshapehr.com
T: 0141 471 5510
